When I was growing up, I remember often sneaking into the refrigerator to grab a piece of one of the Indian sweets my mom always had a box of. Flavors of cashews, pistachios, rose, saffron and cardamom would entice me and I just loved trying all the different varieties of treats that came in the most beautiful colors and designs.
I still get excited every time I go back home to New York, because I turn into that little girl again, excited to see what sweet treats await me. Truth be told though, I’ve had to be a bit more conscious of what I eat as I’ve gotten older. I simply can’t handle copious amounts of sugar anymore.

While I still will indulge from time to time and feel perfectly ok doing so, I do love to make healthy treats with some of my favorite flavors.
This Pistachio Chia Pudding with Saffron and Cardamom Poached is one of those recipes. Since I was younger, pistachio ice cream was one of my favorite flavors and still is! I just can’t get enough of it, but it’s not used hardly as much as I think it should be.

For this recipe, I made fresh pistachio milk and increased the pistachio flavor by adding pistachio butter (pistachio paste can be used too.)
Saffron and cardamom are like peanut butter and chocolate – amazing on their own, but together are a flavor explosion that makes you smile from the inside out. They are aromatics that bring such a sophisticated flavor to whatever they are added to.

I’ve actually never tried to poach fruit, but as the fall season has come into full swing, images of poached pears have been popping up everywhere. I’ve been super into fuyu persimmons lately (the firm kind) and I knew they would go so well with cardamom and saffron, so onto the persimmon poaching I went.

My initial experiment was a huge success and I’m officially sold on poaching any fruit I can now. Not only do the flavors of persimmons, saffron, cardamom and pistachio sing like a symphony of flavors, I just feel in love with the colors of this dessert. The green and orange are just so pretty together – a treat for the eyes and belly!

For Pistachio Chia Pudding For Saffron and Cardamom Poached Persimmons For Pistachio Chia Pudding: For Saffron and Cardamom Poached Persimmons: To assemble: