Say what? I never had borscht or even heard of it before I met my husband. This is a soup (really more of a stew) that he grew up with since he was a little boy. His mom used to have it when she was a child as well, so it’s a dish that gives great comfort to him – so of course, I had to learn how to make it!
Now borscht is a general term for a sour soup that originated in Eastern Europe. It has many different versions, some with meat, some vegetarian. This specific one is beet-based and is vegan.
Beet borscht is traditionally served with fresh dill and sour cream. I feel so lucky that we are in a time when there is pretty much a vegan version (and good tasting vegan versions) of most dairy products. So if you can find it, try out some vegan sour cream. You really don’t want to skimp on the sour cream – it brings the dish to a whole other level that you will miss out on without it. For me, I think it completes the borscht.

For the shoot, I already had the idea of what I wanted to do. I knew the borscht had this amazing vibrant red color and I didn’t want anything to distract from that. So I created an entirely grey scene with my backdrop and props to let the reds of the soup and green of the dill be in the spotlight!
Fresh dill Vegan sour cream