One of Johann and my favorite vegan restaurants in LA is called Green Table Cafe. They serve up the most flavorful and satisfying vegan food in the city if I might say so myself!
Their desserts are amazing and one of our go-to’s is their vegan truffles. When we looked at the ingredient list, it was simple – dark chocolate and almond milk.
This is one of those recipes where it really pays to use high quality dark chocolate because you will taste it. For this version I used cashew cream, vanilla, and added a little more sweetness with some maple syrup.

I made them two ways – rolled in cocoa powder and coated in a chocolate shell with a pinch of sea salt. They are both incredibly fudgey, rich and oh so yummy, but there’s something about the crunch of the hard chocolate shell with that sea salt in contrast with the soft truffle that wins me over every time!

Cashew cream: Soak 1 cup raw cashews in water 2-3 hours. Drain. Add to a high speed blender with 1 cup water until completely smooth.