I remember the first time I made this cake. One of Johann’s oldest friends and his son were visiting LA and we were having them over for dinner. I really love entertaining, especially because I get to show people how delicious and satisfying vegan food can be.
I made some vegan lettuce cups, a Thai coconut curry (check out the recipe here) and this layered lemon cake. Truth be told, I never made it before so I was praying that it would actually come out good. I got lucky and boy was it a hit!
The cake is incredibly moist, slightly dense, and the sweetness pairs so well with the tart vegan lemon curd filling.
I knew when I began The Saffron Stories that this was going to be one of the recipes I shared immediately.

I would highly recommend using Meyer lemons if you can find them. They have a flavor that is so unique compared to regular lemons (although I’m sure it would still be good with regular lemons.)
Here’s a quick story about when I made this again to shoot for the blog. The morning of the shoot, I already had the cakes and curd ready. I was going to make the frosting, frost that cake and shoot. Well, for some reason the original frosting recipe I had was not cooperating with me and I started to freak out. I can’t tell you how much coconut milk I tossed because of it. So plan B, I went on a trip to the grocery store, got some more ingredients and made a different recipe for the icing, which I have to say I love! In addition, I found these gorgeous and rustic yellow flowers which ended up being my cake decorations instead of the lemon slices I had originally planned on. I guess the lesson is… when life gives you lemons, make lemon cake and calm down.

Cake Ingredients: Lemon Curd Filling: Coconut Buttercream Frosting: Lemon Cake: Lemon Curd: Coconut Buttercream Frosting: To assemble cake: